

P.O. Box 534 Denton, MD 21629

Critical Repairs Caroline County, a local 501c3 nonprofit, provides essential home repairs or accessibility items to make it possible for low-income or very-low-income resident homeowners to remain safe and secure in their homes with a special focus on the disabled, veterans and families with children. Typical critical repairs include:– Handicapped ramps and entry modifications to enable the disabled to access their homes.– Roof repairs and miscellaneous repairs to restore safety in the home.– Minor plumbing repairs to provide safe drinking water.– Modifications to bathrooms to provide accessibility for the disabled. Critical Repairs Caroline County welcomes volunteers with skills in[…]


P.O. Box 127, Federalsburg, MD 21632

The VFW has been a voice for our nation’s veterans for more than a century and is the nation’s oldest major veteran’s organization. To America and the world, the letters “VFW” symbolize volunteerism and community service.[…]


9238 Legion Road, Denton, MD 21629; PO Box 518, Denton, MD 21629

The mission of the American Legion Auxiliary is: 1. To support the American Legion programs for veterans, children, and community. 2. To provide for today’s needs, while being advocates for a brighter future. 3. To advance the understanding of patriotism and responsibility of citizenship. 4. To promote individual integrity and family values. 5. To ensure that, as volunteers, we continue to be the leaders in all that is good in this nation today, tomorrow, and for generations to come, through serving others, not self.[…]



300 Market Street, Suite 201 Denton, MD 21629; P.O. Box 400 Denton, MD 21629

The Caroline County Career Center is a partnership built to provide employment-related services through a seamless delivery system. Partners include the Caroline County Department of Social Services, the Workforce Investment Office, Adult Education, the Division of Rehabilitation Service, and the Department of Labor.[…]


9238 Legion Rd. Denton, MD 21629; PO Box 518, Denton, MD 21629

The American legion is an organization of 3 million veterans who care about America, veterans and their families, and our nation’s youth. The Legion is a powerful voice in Washington dedicated to preserving the rights we’ve all earned–and were promised–by service in uniform to our nation. Since our charter in 1932, our American Legion Post has been welcoming VETERANS from all branches of our Armed Forces. Today, we continue to welcome all military personnel serving our country. Joining our Post enables you to continue serving your God, Country and Community Our mission is to implement the goals, aspirations, dreams,[…]



P.O. Box 1148, Easton, MD 21601

To assist veterans and their dependents in filing claims for pension, compensation, burial allowance, and other benefits, and to provide consultation and guidance.[…]



P.O. Box 400, Denton, MD 21629

Provides career and job counseling to qualifying veterans, including information on the labor market and jobs and employers in this area, assistance in tailoring skills and abilities to the job market, assistance with Hot Jobs and with the jobs listed locally, help using the Internet to expand your job searches, recommendations for training and education to qualify for better jobs and careers, information on Veteran job programs and training, assistance and instruction in use of the Resource Room facilities, resume preparation and critique, developing jobs for those Vets with barriers to employment, referral information on social service and family[…]


We serve those who can prosper by the talismanic healing nature of horses with he guidance of professional therapists and instructors in a peaceful farm setting. We strive to create an organic healing center which implements equine assisted activities, horticultural therapy, and other nature related approaches to broaden experiences and benefit emotional, physical, cognitive, and spiritual well-being.[…]
Categories: Health

(888) 838-7727 or (202) 733-3324

(202) 628-8169

2101 L Street NW, Suite 420, Washington, MD 20037

The Veterans Consortium Pro Bono Program (TVC) is the leading national 501(c)(3) charity providing free legal services in federal venues for veterans in need.TVC operates a global federal Veterans Pro Bono Program on behalf of the U.S. Court of Appeals for Veterans Claims to represent veterans unjustly denied benefits or compensation earned from military service. Our TVC National Volunteer Corps℠ attorneys also litigate cases that are appealed to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit and the U.S. Supreme Court.Our TVC Discharge Upgrade Program℠ represents Veterans before military Discharge Review Boards and Boards of Correction for Military[…]
Categories: Legal

410-479-3800 or 410-479-1882


606 Sunnyside Avenue, Denton, MD 21629

The Health Department offers an integrated Behavioral Health Program that serves Caroline county residents that have a need for Mental Health support and/or Substance Use recovery.​Our goal is to Strengthen, Support, and Encourage people with behavioral health needs to engage in, and maintain, a successful treatment regime that fosters an individual’s opportunity for independence, productivity, community integration, and quality of life.[…]
Categories: Health