Samaritan House


12 N. 5th St., Denton, MD 21629

Operates a thrift shop and a food pantry. Proceeds from the thrift shop fund the food pantry. If you are in need of food or clothing, please contact the Samaritan House directly and have ready the following 4 pieces of information: photo id; social security card for everyone in the household; proof of income (tax return, paystubs); and proof of Caroline County residency (utility bill, bank account). Accepts donation of used clothing, books, toys, and household items in good condition. Recommended food list: tuna, beef stew, pork & beans, corned beef, soup, cereal, jello/pudding, canned milk, rice/beans, canned fruit & vegetables, applesauce, canned tomatoes, spaghetti sauce, dry spaghetti, peanut butter, jelly, juices, and box mixes of macaroni & cheese and tuna helper. The Samaritan House is a project of the interfaith group United Concerned Christians, and is run completely by volunteers. It is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization.

tags: food, pantry, bank, pantries, banks

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Hours of Operation

Wed.-Fri. 10 AM-2 PM; Sat. 9 AM-noon